How do you make the Tesla Model S more exciting? 

 This is the ARES Tesla Model S wagon, as photographed by HotCars editor David Traver Adolphus in Italy

The company created it simply because Co-Founder and CEO Dany Bahar wanted it. 

 It’s a striking reinterpretation of the Model S, and it could provide Tesla with idea

The reasoning behind the creation of the Model S Wagon is simple. CEO of ARES,

ARES is no stranger to wild designs, with it a coachbuilder located in Modena, Italy,

This is a reinterpretation of the Chevrolet C8 Corvette that even included a roofless Speedster. 

The new Tesla Model S Wagon is just another way the company has reinterpreted an existing design.

From some angles, it is difficult to tell that this was ever a Tesla Model S.

The side and rear quarter views in particular show off a car that looks like it was a station wagon 

 But the tell-tale signs of its origins are visible from the front

With the car sporting the familiar fascia and bumper design of the Model S

ARES has kept the headlight design the same, and the wheel design also looks familiar.